
Traumatic Transformations Podcast

Season II of Traumatic Transformations is dedicated to helping parents and educators raise a generation of children that are living consciously. Your #1 resource for personal and spiritual development where I plan to share actionable science-backed tips and strategies to show up to the parenting experience with more calm, confidence and ease.

Join me as I dive deep into mindfulness, resiliency, and normalize emotions so we can break the intergenerational unhealthy patterns of stress, anxiety and trauma. I teach you to show up to the parenting journey with more presence by learning how to transform your emotions to awaken the peace that exists within all of the us but gets lost along the way. I plan to inspire you so you can take back control over your life and transform into the best version of yourself. Tune in every Tuesday for a new episode.
Subscibe now you don’t miss the first episode, coming up very shortly.