Ep. 9: Overcoming Adversity with Kawan Glover

Traumatic Transformations with Gunjani Patel
Traumatic Transformations with Gunjani Patel
Ep. 9: Overcoming Adversity with Kawan Glover


Let dive into a conversation with Kawan Glover about his adversities to now being a self-published author of the book “Favor”, and a Victory coach, inspiring and making an impact on others.

In this episode we explore:

– Being athletic, having a stroke, 3 brain surgeries, and now on his second book. – How he worked through his opioid addiction, depression, and suicidal ideations. – How can you conquer life & career challenges?

Exploring the mindset he now has developed as a result of these trials and adversities.

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Find Kawan Glower at https://www.linkedin.com/in/kawanaglover/ or find him on Facebook or IG @kawanglover or buy his book Favor on amazon.