Ep # 2 – What is a Postpartum Depression and what we as society

Traumatic Transformations with Gunjani Patel
Traumatic Transformations with Gunjani Patel
Ep # 2 – What is a Postpartum Depression and what we as society


Education and awareness about Postpartum depression & other perinatal mood disorders. What it is and how we as a society should not shy away and exacerbate the issues that women go through during and after birth. What can you do to help, and what we as a society normally do due to being misinformed. Suicide accounts for 20% of maternal deaths and is the 2nd most common cause of maternal postpartum deaths. Are we friends on Instagram yet?

Follow me @gpatelcounseling or Join my Facebook support group “Pregnant & New Moms Mental Wellness Support Group”.