Ep. 17: Growth Mindset – Attitude To Thrive in 2021 with Paul Forchione

Traumatic Transformations with Gunjani Patel
Traumatic Transformations with Gunjani Patel
Ep. 17: Growth Mindset – Attitude To Thrive in 2021 with Paul Forchione


2020 was by far one of the worse year in most people’s books. If you survived it, pat yourself in the back. But since our adversities don’t just leave us with the flip of a date, let’s work on living this year intentionally and with a shift in mindset.

In this episode Paul and I discuss –

– His Celebral Palsy diagnosis as a child, bullying in school, and other life adversities that didn’t limit him from becoming the best version of himself,

– Living intentionally,

– Implementing daily disciplines and taking actions,

– Becoming more Emotionally Intelligent,

– Mindset shift to thrive through 2021.

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Find Paul Forchione at Https://acalltoaction.coach or find him on Facebook or IG  or tune in to his podcast called Actions & Limits whenever you hear your podcasts or on youtube. Their message is: if you believe you can achieve. https://youtu.be/HhzEB9e4veM.