Ep. 12: What Are Therapy & EMDR Like?

Traumatic Transformations with Gunjani Patel
Traumatic Transformations with Gunjani Patel
Ep. 12: What Are Therapy & EMDR Like?


In this episode I:

– Demystify therapy and misinformation related to what it’s supposed to be to reduce the stigma associated with it.

– What people gather from Hollywood and TV vs. what reality looks like coming from someone who has been through it and has now been practicing it for 10+ years running her private practice.

– What is EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) Therapy like?

– Neuroscience behind EMDR and why it is one of the most empirically validated treatments used to treat PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Grief, Addictions, Eating Disorders, Phobias, and the like.

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Other resources mentioned in the episode :

– Psychology Today, EMDRIA.ORG.