EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) is a very powerful form of psychotherapy.
Since its inception in the 1980s, it has been a widely used treatment to relieve psychological turmoil and has helped 2 MILLION PLUS people of all ages around the world. Over 100,000 clinicians are trained in it and practice it worldwide. It is one of the most empirically valid and successful treatments for people who suffer from PTSD, DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, PHOBIAS, PANIC ATTACK, TRAUMA, GRIEF & OTHER INTENSE EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS. Given that these conditions are very difficult and time-consuming to treat, EMDR is considered a breakthrough therapy because of its simplicity and the fact that it can bring quick and lasting relief. It has been widely researched as effective for PTSD and trauma with up to 100% effectiveness for single trauma and 77% for those with multiple trauma.
When people are experiencing these conditions the only thing they seek is relief from extreme pain and peace with their past, and EMDR brings that possibility to fruition almost immediately than most traditional forms of talk therapy.